Our Services
Are you separated or thinking of separation? You’re in the right place.

Creative Family Law Solutions will provide you with the information and support to assist you with this life transition. What would you like to learn about?
Unsure about the best path forward?
Are you able to think about what is important to you and your family right now? Can you consider what will be important in the medium and long term?

If not, we recommend that you consult with your GP for a referral to a psychologist and that you contact us again when you are feeling ready to do so.
Remember that this is your journey and that you can only go at your own pace.
Can you communicate with your ex-partner?

If not, we suggest that you arrange a 15 min call with our team to talk about safety measures and boundaries that will assist you in the short term. We can also discuss ways of communicating through others to make urgent decisions.
Do you have all the essential information necessary to make good decisions arising from your separation?

If not, we suggest a 15 min chat with our team who can provide various resources setting out the information that is generally required to be able to make good decisions around parenting and/or financial issues.
Would you like to be supported to make important decisions for your family directly with the other party?

If so, we recommend Family Dispute Resolution and suggest a 15 minute chat with our team to learn what will best suit your circumstances and needs.
Family Dispute Resolution does require both parties to be willing to engage in the process. If the other party will not do so, other options may be required. A 15 minute discussion will provide you with information about these other options.
Would you like someone else to assist you to make decisions?

Sometimes, it works best to have a trusted professional you can discuss your options with. You’ll be able to play out certain scenarios and conversations to explore what will work best. This support may enable you to navigate through these difficult times and beyond.
If this sounds like you, we suggest an information and assessment session to devise the best plan for you.
Sometimes you need to solely focus on your own needs and those of other family members. Having to deal with a difficult person on the other side can take you backwards and away from a better future. If this sounds like your position, you may benefit from an advocate to stand in your shoes when dealing with the other side, reporting back to collaborate about next steps. We would suggest an information and assessment session to see if this is the best fit for you.
If the other side has obtained legal representation and you have received a legal letter or court documents, we would recommend that you arrange an information and assessment session with one of our lawyers to work out what this means for you, and what the next step needs to be
If you’d like assistance, then the next step is to arrange a call with us.

Are there urgent issues that require immediate attention such as safety issues, the preservation of property, or financial support? Often a phone call or letter can result in a quick response. We recommend that you immediately arrange an information and assessment session with one of our lawyers to discuss this further and work out next steps.
Sometimes, a direct approach to the other side does not trigger the required response and it is necessary to take urgent legal action. We recommend that you immediately arrange an information and assessment session with one of our lawyers to discuss next steps.
Remember that even if urgent legal action is necessary for protection of persons or property, it is always possible after essential restraints have been put in place to step outside the legal process and engage in negotiation or mediation/Family Dispute Resolution.
If you’re separated or considering doing so, it is normal to feel overwhelmed.
Before making decisions, it’s crucial you’ve all essential information in place and you’re in a position to make good choices. At CFLS we empower clients to make their own decisions and design their best life.
We have several options to assist you work out the best pathway for you and your family: