At CFLS we are very proud to be associagted with the Charity ReadySet. They do such great work, and we feel that it is such a good fit for us!
Having a job can often be the key to the future. A job gives you income, and the freedom to be able to make choices and determine the life you want to lead. It can also be crucial to meeting new people and obtaining that needed support to move through tough times to a better future beyond.
I am delighted to be able to share the following reflections from Marcus, a greatly valued member of the CFLS team. He is in a unique position to provide insight as to the benefits that a Charity like ReadySet can provide, and the incredible difference this can make to finding a paythway to a better life. Thank you so much for your insights Marcus!!

Photo courtesy of Ready Set
From Marcus:
After almost nine years battling health issues, I dreamt of one day returning to the workforce. I decided to take a plunge, and a gamble, and contacted a Centrelink employment agency for the disabled.
Within hours of speaking with Simon, I was having a phone interview as a tele-fundraiser for a Charity Organisation. Not exactly my dream job, but I figured I had to start somewhere. The position was only for 12 hours a week and was a great start. It enabled me to eventually get the job that I have now with CFLS- this was my dream job!
I was very lucky. With support from Simon and Aim Big Employment, I was was well prepared, and the conditions for the interview and the job were tailored to suit me. I was able to do my interview remotely. I got a job doing remote work and I was able to succeed. I know that a lot of people, unfortunately, are just not as lucky.
Many people have a strange misconception that jobs are easy to get…some people think it’s simple to just whip up a resume, interview and presto! The job is theirs! The average person will stay on Jobseeker for almost 3 months before getting a job. That’s a very long time to keep trying, and to have to live with very little money.
Many people are disadvantaged and can be on Jobseeker almost permanently. A large percentage of these people who are struggling, really do have the potential to be doing amazing things! But everyone sometimes needs a helping hand. The Jobseeker Allowance hardly covers the necessities. And it’s expensive to get a job, you need to look your best and have money to travel to interviews, not to mention career coaching. This is very hard, particularly if you have been on Jobseeker for a while and that’s your only income.
That’s where charities like READY SET are so vital, a Charity that Creative Family Law Solutions supports through the Dovetail Social Impact Program. If I wasn’t lucky enough to have received career coaching from Aim Big Employment and gain assistance, I don’t know that I would be where I am today…which is employed, happy, and feeling confident and thrilled to have landed the position which is what I want to be doing as my ideal job.
Since the year of READY SET’s inception, they have changed the lives of 9,935 people, also saved 184,811 items of clothing from landfill and utilised 81,277 volunteer hours. In 2022 more than 1,600 Jobseekers accessed READYSET’s career coaching and clothing services, an amazing achievement.
With a small helping hand, you or your business can also donate monthly to READY SET, because we believe everyone has a chance for an opportunity to succeed! READY SET enables people to get career coaching, grooming kits, clothes, and footwear to look their best for an interview and succeed in securing an employment position.
You can read more about their great work and donate at: https://www.readyset.org.au/
Find out mnore about Marcus at https://cflsolutions.com.au/person/marcus-barlow/