Queen Victoria-What a woman!

I have been fascinated by Queen Victoria for many years. The recent TV series “Victoria” enhanced this fascination, and for Christmas I was given the 2015 biography by Julia Baird. Having now read this, I feel in some ways an expert on this amazing woman, but at the same time she remains a mystery in…
Why have a lawyer as advocate?

Background I was recently asked by a colleague (for the purpose of this blog I will call him Jack) to represent him at a conference in the context of a disciplinary investigation in his workplace. Jack was not directly involved in the incident that had created the complaint, but as part of the supervisory structure,…
Case Studies-Refusal, Resistance, Estrangement and Allegations of Alienation in Parenting Disputes

As an Independent Children’s lawyer, I have recently had some extremely difficult cases where I have been significantly challenged in my attempts to support the children’s rights to have an ongoing and meaningful relationship with both of their parents. These cases have reinforced for me that every situation is unique, each must be approached on…
Case study-the value of Litigation Support

Lawyers and professionals working with separated families aim to support clients to achieve their goals in the most respectful and efficient way. Empowering them to be able to make their own decisions is the best outcome, but this is not always possible. In situations where court becomes the necessary last resort, this can be a…
Case study-a tool for intake

This week I attended a meeting of the Special Interest Group run by VADRA (the Victorian Alternate Dispute Resolution Association). This is a group of professionals interested in dispute resolution and coming together from all different areas and perspectives. There were presentations from experienced practitioners to illustrate their approach to their work, with the aim…
Case study-the benefits of conflict coaching
Case study-managing intake for greater insight

Recently, I participated in an FDR with a client, I will call Carl, who wanted to leave behind a very negative personal relationship and achieve a more positive parenting arrangement. During the settlement conference he displayed difficult behaviours that impacted significantly on the process. In hindsight I regret not recognizing the signs which would have…
Dealing with difficult clients

Prologue Over the past year or so there have been numerous sessions regarding dealing with difficult people. I have attending presentations as part of ICL training, VLA training, and at the National Mediation and Family Law Conferences. Many of us have learned of the leading features of most of the personality types discussed particularly around…
The importance of the right experts in parenting matters

I became involved earlier this year as Independent Children’s Lawyer in a family law matter proceeding through the court system. This was a parenting dispute involving parents and their son aged about 15 months at that time. The right experts were vital in achieving the best outcome for this child. The child had been in…
“It is sh*t after court”

I had a mediation recently where the parents were struggling to find a mutually acceptable arrangement for their children. The mother had grave concerns for the children when they were away from her, and was proposing a slow progression for the father to spend limited time with the children over an extended period of time.…